Kazaure School of Health Technology Past Questions and Answers ↔ We appreciate you for checking us up on pastquestionpapers.com.ng. We are here to notify you that the Kazaure School of Health Technology Past Questions and answers has been updated. Having made it through the SSCE, NECO and other Results needed for the School of Nursing Admission, the question is how does this school of Nursing set their questions? Inasmuch as we are unaware of how the questions look like, the good news is that pastquestionpapers.com.ng have you at heart and have taken time to compile this question for you in order to have an insight of what to face in the examination hall. Therefore, carefully read through this content to know how to get yours ASAP.
You can’t do it on your own all you need the Kazaure School of Health Technology Past Questions and answers to guide you towards the forthcoming general Kazaure School of Health Technology Examination.
Samples Of Kazaure School of Health Technology Past Questions
Time allowed: 1 hour
▪ Do not open your question booklets until you are told to do so.
▪ The examination consists of six sections labeled A to F. All the questions irrespective of the sections carry equal mark.
▪ Section A- English language 20 questions Section B- mathematics 20 questions Section C- Biology 20 questions
Section D- chemistry 15 questions Section E – Physics 15 questions Section F – Current affairs 10 question
▪ Answer all questions appropriately ▪ Use the answer sheet provided
▪ Use HB pencil to shade the correct answer for each question. Ensure that any shading made in error is thoroughly erased.
▪ Write your NAME, EXAMINATION NUMBER and other needed information in the appropriate space with the same number or letter as each digit or letter.
▪ Any candidate caught cheating in the course of the examination will be duly penalized. ▪ The interview date will be made known o the public as soon as possible.
Basically, these past questions you are about to download on this page is a PDF soft copy material that has been compiled from the past years entrance examination. It comprises of four subject combinations and them:
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Biology
- and English Language.
1. The ability of the human eyes to focus both distant and near objects is called?
a) Normal adjustment
b) Visual pathway
c) Reflex blinking
d) Accommodations
2. The organ that supplies nutrient to a foetus and also plays a protective role is called______
a) Umbilical cord
b) Cervix
c) Placenta
d) Uterus
3. The total number of theoracic vertebra in humans is ?
(a) 7
(b) 5
(d) 12
4. The functional and basic unit of the mammalian kidney is the
a) Cortex
b) Nephron
c) Medulla
d) Pyramid
5. The sense of balancing is a function of which part of the mammalian ear
a) Auditory meatus
b) Cochlea
c) Eardrum
d) Semicircular canals
Why Do I Need School of Health Technology Past Questions?.
The main reason of School of Health Technology Past Questions and Answers is to help you get an insight of how the previous questions look like and what it contains, and the most important information you need to know about the Kazaure School of Health Technology Past Questions is that most of that the Kazaure School of Health Technology Past Questions often at times come out repeated in every Examination years, So here you have 80% chance to pass your Exams when you get this past questions from Us.
NOTE: Always read the exam instructions before answering any question. Finally, to get this past question papers follow the instructions below.