College of Health Technology Kaltungo Past Questions and Answers PDF Updated Copy is available on this page. Download Gombe State College of Health Science and Technology Kaltungo Past Questions and Answers here.
This page helps you with reading material and a guide for study, while you prepare for the College of Health Technology Kaltungo Screening exercise. To help you brace yourself up, and get fully prepared for the screening exercise at Gombe State College of Health Science and Technology.
There are several factors of Gombe State College of Health Science and Technology Kaltungo Past Questions and Answers, one that matters more than anything else is this. I could tell you with a tremendous conviction that the College of Health Technology Kaltungo Past Questions is all you need and certainly, because College of Health Technology Kaltungo Past Questions is used on each Academic Session.
College of Health Technology Kaltungo Past Questions and answers will go a long way to help you succeed in the College of Health Technology Kaltungo entrance examination for admission placement into her various programmes.
One of the reasons this Gombe State College of Health Science and Technology Kaltungo past question paper is important is that it aids your preparation and studies while awaiting the entrance examination date for Gombe State College of Health Technology Kaltungo.
Basically, these Gombe State College of Health Science and Technology Kaltungo past questions you are about to download on this page is PDF soft copy material that has been compiled from the past year’s entrance examination. It consists of four subject combinations and they include:
- Chemistry
- Biology, and
- English Language.
Samples Of Gombe State College of Health Technology Kaltungo Past Questions
1. The ability of the human eyes to focus both distant and near objects is called?
a) Normal adjustment
b) Visual pathway
c) Reflex blinking
d) Accommodations
2. The organ that supplies nutrient to a foetus and also plays a protective role is called______
a) Umbilical cord
b) Cervix
c) Placenta
d) Uterus
3. The total number of theoracic vertebra in humans is?
(a) 7
(b) 5
(d) 12
4. The functional and basic unit of the mammalian kidney is the
a) Cortex
b) Nephron
c) Medulla
d) Pyramid
5. The sense of balancing is a function of which part of the mammalian ear
a) Auditory meatus
b) Cochlea
c) Eardrum
d) Semicircular canals
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